A fresh start after being released from prison and becoming a returning citizen should be an amazing feeling; however, that isn’t the case for many of Missouri’s formerly incarcerated individuals. The reality is that most formerly incarcerated individuals face a major barrier in finding housing and stability. This is an even more challenging experience due to the tight housing market with little to no affordable housing. About one in five U.S. households experience housing insecurity, and the nightly shelter count of homeless people in 2024 was 771,480. Studies show that formerly incarcerated people are nearly 10 times more likely to be homeless than the other individuals in the community, and formerly incarcerated women are more likely to be homeless than men. I know that in 2024 that number increased and it will continue to increase. Despite formerly incarcerated people being given a second chance, their criminal record and past often continues to impact how others may judge their worth. Rejections of housing applications cause an even bigger issue. Many formerly incarcerated people who are denied housing will experience homelessness and then potentially the repeated cycle of crime, back into the jail system.

Why Housing Matters

Studies have shown that access to housing reduces recidivism, which improves public safety and reduces costs. People who have access to affordable housing (including formerly incarcerated individuals) are more likely to maintain employment and are more productive at their jobs. However, housing insecurity and homelessness increase risk of anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Housing is a human right and not a privilege. Every human being deserves a safe, stable, affordable place. It is fundamental to every person’s health and security.

Black, Brown and Poor Communities

Formerly incarcerated individuals often return to communities that are essentially low-income and experiencing a wide range of issues. These issues are even greater in black, poor, and brown communities. The discriminatory impact of the criminal legal system on black communities and communities of color has disproportionately burdened black and brown people with criminal records. Additionally, historical practices and racism in the housing market has led to these communities being systematically shut out of housing opportunities. This creates a repetitive cycle in which the returning individuals are in such a tough position that they are more likely to interact with the criminal legal system again. Having a lack of accessibility to affordable housing causes an increase in violence. Black women experienced the highest rate of sheltered homelessness – nearly four times the rate of white men, and twice as high as the rate of Black men. This also reinforces the racial disparities many are facing when being released from prison. Similar historical practices of discrimination impact those who have disabilities and those who are part of the queer community. 

What can we do to help this crisis? 

This is an ongoing systemic issue that is gaining momentum and even greater attention around the world. I believe that community members, organizations and lawmakers along with directly impacted people can collectively come together to create better solutions and systems. I believe working together within the policies that are in place will help many advocate and organize within. Evidenced-based solutions to improve access to housing include:

  • Increased transparency within housing including requiring landlords to state the criteria for rental requirements and limit arbitrary rejections. 
  • Automating expungements and expanding expungement processes to reduce the stigma attached to housing applications. To learn more about current efforts to automate expungements in Missouri please visit the Clean Slate campaign website
  • Additional transitional housing programs and encouraging organizations to invest and advocate for short-term and affordable housing until formerly incarcerated individuals can achieve stability. 

We need people involved in housing and the criminal legal system to advocate for these solutions and more. Please consider joining Empower Missouri’s Affordable Housing Coalition if you are interested in approaching this from the housing perspective or Community Justice Coalition if you have an interest in criminal legal system reform. These coalitions have joint working groups to work together to create housing and criminal legal systems that support affordable and stable housing for individuals returning from prisons and jails. Click aquí to learn more on our website and get involved!

Empower Missouri’s 2025 Day of Action at the Missouri State Capitol will be another excellent opportunity to deepen your knowledge of our policy priorities, including Clean Slate, opposing source of income housing discrimination, free school meal expansion, and more. We welcome you to join us to speak with legislators, attend hearings, build skills, and connect with other advocates. 

Any community member passionate about housing, community justice, or food security is a voice we need in Jefferson City! Learn more and RSVP for Day of Action by clicking the button below.

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