Date: February 26, 2025To: Senator Brown, Chairman and Members, Senate Economic Workforce and Development CommitteeFrom: Amanda Berry, Food Security Policy Manager, Empower MissouriRe: Our support for SB 57 Empower Missouri is the largest anti-poverty advocacy organization in the state. As part of our work, we organize a statewide Food Security Coalition. This coalition is made...Read More
During the signing of the National School Lunch Act on June 4, 1946, Missouri native President Harry Truman stated, “In the long view, no nation is any healthier than its children or more prosperous than its farmers.” But currently, 1 in 5 children in Missouri (approximately 254,000) experience food insecurity every day. Food insecurity is proven...Read More
The Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program is an essential resource for millions of low-income families across the United States. It is available for income-eligible pregnant and postpartum women, breastfeeding moms, and children under five (up to their fifth birthday). Additionally, dads, grandparents, foster parents, and anyone raising kids under five can apply for support for...Read More
With the holidays quickly approaching, many turn their attention to the joys of sharing meals with those closest to them. Often, preparation for holiday meals begins with the creation of a menu, possibly dividing up who is preparing what and where the holiday feast will take place. Some culinary artists may have a signature dish...Read More
As an organization dedicated to securing basic human needs for all Missourians through policy change, Empower Missouri supports living wages for our state’s workers. On November 5th Missourians will have the opportunity to vote on Proposition A, the Minimum Wage and Earned Paid Sick Time Initiative. Proposition A would increase the minimum wage to $15...Read More
On Friday, the 2024 Missouri Legislative Session closed with little fanfare, a fitting end to a session where little work was accomplished. The legislation passed a grand total of 28 bills (excluding the 18 appropriation bills), a total significantly lower than last year’s previous record low of 41 bills and even lower than the shutdown-plagued...Read More
Empower Missouri’s Food Security Coalition (FSC) is dedicated to making sure that all Missourians have access to healthy meals. The charitable food sector, including institutions like food banks, food pantries, soup kitchens play a critical role in keeping people fed, but they can only provide about ten percent of the total food benefits needed for...Read More
Date: March 25, 2024To: Senator Brown, Chairman and Members, Senate Economic Development and Tax Policy CommitteeFrom: Christine Woody, Food Security Policy Manager, Empower MissouriRe: Our support for SB 1062 Empower Missouri is the largest anti-poverty advocacy organization in the state. As part of our work, we organize a statewide Food Security Coalition. This coalition is made...Read More
Date: March 27, 2024To: Representative Brad Hudson, Chairman & Committee Members House Economic Development CommitteeFrom: Christine Woody, Food Security Policy Manager, Empower MissouriRe: Our support for HB 2438 and HB 2730 Founded in 1901, Empower Missouri advocates for the well-being of Missourians through civic leadership, education, and research. As part of our work, we organize a...Read More
Date: March 4, 2024To: Lauren Arthur, Chair, and Members of the Senate Progress and Development CommitteeFrom: Christine Woody, Food Security Policy Manager, Empower MissouriRe: Our support for SB 973 Founded in 1901, Empower Missouri advocates for the well-being of Missourians through civic leadership, education, and research. As part of our work, we organize a statewide coalition...Read More