
As homeless rates increase across the United States, it has become a policy focus across all levels of government. The most important place to start is the main cause of homelessness: the lack of affordable housing. In Missouri, for every 100 extremely low income renters, there are only 44 affordable units available. Missouri’s minimum wage...
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On Tuesday, the Missouri Supreme Court overturned HB 1606, a bill with language that Empower Missouri advocated against during the 2022 session. Our advocacy, among many others, helped to shape the lawsuit, Byrd v State of Missouri, that led to Tuesday’s decision. Because of the work by Empower Missouri, Legal Services of Eastern Missouri, Eden...
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In many ways, housing advocacy should be easy. Everyone needs housing to thrive, therefore it should be as easily attainable as possible. However in reality, many topics get mixed in and make the conversation much more complicated. Deeply ingrained systemic racism, generational wealth, market volatility impacting rental and purchase prices, and low wages create an...
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We knew going into the legislative session that it would be a wild year. Unfortunately, wild years where very little gets done has become the normal legislative process in Missouri. It wasn’t designed to be this way. However, partisan infighting, electoral maps designed to favor one party, distrust in government and an overall breakdown in...
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Last week, I offered testimony against a pair of bills in the Missouri House and Senate aimed at reducing homelessness. I first celebrated with the sponsors and the committee members that the Missouri legislature should be doing more to address our neighbors who live outside; homelessness is an untenable situation that is below the dignity...
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A medida que los días se acortan y las temperaturas bajan, los defensores de Empower Missouri y varias organizaciones aliadas se han estado reuniendo semanalmente para discutir qué podemos hacer para mantener seguro el servicio público para todos nuestros vecinos este invierno. Obviamente, nuestro estado tendrá mejores resultados durante la pandemia y la recesión del coronavirus si no lo hacemos ...
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La Coalición de Vivienda Asequible de Empower Missouri publicó recientemente sus prioridades legislativas para 2020. Puedes leerlo aquí. Algunas cosas de la lista son muy sencillas, algunas son preguntas realmente importantes y otras son de sentido común. Sin embargo, uno en particular es un poco más complicado. Las ciudades y los estados tienen una lista de herramientas a su disposición ...
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La vivienda es la clave para mejorar los resultados de estos niños y también ayuda a reducir sus costos de atención médica. Children's Health Watch proporcionó ejemplos de estudios de casos en los que los costos de atención médica disminuyeron en un 90% cuando se proporcionó a los niños una vivienda estable.
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En agosto de 2019, la directora ejecutiva de Empower Missouri, Jeanette Mott Oxford, ofreció testimonio en una audiencia especial sobre justicia penal. “Creo que a veces nos gustaría tener un espejo mágico, y pudiéramos mostrárselo a la gente y diría: 'Veo racismo en ti. Veo racismo en ti. No hay racismo en ti '...
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