Empower Missouri would like to thank everyone that was able to attend our Food Security Coalition meetings. Please plan to join our next meeting on…
The 2023 legislative session is just around the corner. In this session, we'll give you a preview of anti-poverty bills that have been pre-filed and…
As our communities work to address disproportionate racial outcomes today, we often look back on the intentional race based policies which drive those outcomes. Our…
Tenants' unions are renter-led organizations that advocate for tenant rights, build renter power, and push for renter-friendly policy change. Low-income tenants know their needs better…
Unregulated, for-profit probation businesses use the vulnerability of a person facing one of the toughest times of their lives as a source of profit, adding…
Join Zoom Meeting online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89516136750?pwd=YlFrbFk0ZEhYU3FQQlNWQUZSaDNBdz09 Meeting ID: 895 1613 6750 Password: 169573 Join via cell phone or landline: DIAL: (301)-715-8592 CALL-IN CODE: 895 1613 6750#…
Use this link to Sign up for the Criminal Justice Coalition. Access the meeting on your computer https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87627203171?pwd=aSs0TysvVnE5ajNEemVRaXI2RW9FZz09 Meeting ID: 87627203171 Access the meeting on your…