On Tuesday evening, I went to the prison in Bonne Terre to stand in solidarity with our colleagues at Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty in opposing the execution of Kevin Johnson. I honestly didn’t attend in my official capacity as a staff member at Empower Missouri. As I had learned the details of...Read More
In just over two weeks, Missouri voters will head to polls for the midterm elections. In addition to voting for federal, state, and, in some cases, local leaders, Missouri voters will weigh in on four constitutional amendments. Three of these amendments were proposed by the Missouri legislature, and one, Amendment 3, was proposed by the...Read More
How can we promote smart sentencing in Missouri in order to reduce the number of incarcerated individuals, ease some of the demands our penal system imposes on the state budget, and attain better long-term outcomes?Read More
In last week’s Perspective, we talked about the roadblocks our HIV policy modernization bill hit and how we’ll persist and organize for future success. Today, though, we want to tell you about a few truly unmistakable wins that Empower Missouri saw this week.Read More
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 14, 2019 For More Information: Sara Baker, 314-809-0658 Jeremy Cady, 417-597-3838 Jeanette Mott Oxford, 314-775-3261 Jefferson City – Yesterday, the Missouri Legislature approved HB 192, a proposal that would reform Missouri sentencing law and allow eligible individuals to have earlier parole hearings. HB 192 requires the parole board to evaluate those currently serving...Read More