During the signing of the National School Lunch Act on June 4, 1946, Missouri native President Harry Truman stated, “In the long view, no nation is any healthier than its children or more prosperous than its farmers.” But currently, 1 in 5 children in Missouri (approximately 254,000) experience food insecurity every day. Food insecurity is proven to negatively impact school engagement and behavior at every educational level. Examples of this negative impact include: poorer grades, increased absenteeism, tardiness, and disruptive behavior, as well as a 15% increase in suspensions from school. Taking all of that into consideration, it is not surprising that children experiencing food insecurity repeat a grade more frequently than those who do not and are ultimately at an increased risk of not graduating high school.
Adolescents who fail to finish high school face a lifetime of unemployment, poor health, and stunted human capital. Research on the relationship between academic success and economic mobility has found that annual earnings increase significantly with higher levels of education. In addition, failing to secure a high school diploma places young people on a life-long trajectory of poor health. Studies examining adult health have found that high school dropouts are at higher risk for chronic disease, are more likely to be disabled, and have a shorter life expectancy overall. Fortunately, we know how to ensure children are well fed during the school day and how to mitigate the negative consequences of food insecurity: school meals.
Extensive research has linked participation in school meals to improved outcomes such as increased cognitive function, academic achievement, standardized test scores, and attendance rates. It has also been shown that participation in school meals increases the consumption of fruit, vegetables, and milk, which can establish lifelong healthy eating habits; those habits then reduce the cases and severity of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity, along with the cost associated with these diseases. This nutritional improvement has been shown to reduce negative health outcomes by at least 29%. The Rockefeller Foundation published a study that concluded that every $1 invested in school meal programs provides $2 in health and economic equity benefits. To me, it’s obvious that school meals are a worthwhile investment.
School meals can account for over half of a child’s daily calories. These are children who may not otherwise have reliable access to healthy food at home. But right now, more than half of students who could benefit from school meals aren’t eating them. One of the biggest barriers that stop children from participating in school meals is the cost of purchasing the meal.
Empower Missouri is dedicated to the facilitation of free school meal legislation throughout our state. Our #fullplatefullpotential campaign is bringing together advocates ranging from formal organizations working in the fields of child nutrition and education to unaffiliated individuals who want to see a Missouri not stunted by the consequences of child hunger. When our children have full plates, they can reach their full potential, thus facilitating the growth and prosperity of Missouri as a whole.
Some of our legislators recognize the importance of access to school meals and have already filed bills that would provide one lunch and one breakfast to each child during the school day at no cost. They are HB 112 filed by Representative Brian Seitz, HB 833 filed by Representative Jaclyn Zimmermann, HB 998 filed by Representative Stephanie Hein, and SB 172 filed by Senator Stephen Webber. Passing one of these bills would enable all children access to the nutrition they need to learn and grow. The simplified system would reduce household food insecurity and would reduce the administrative burden on schools and their nutrition staff. In addition to these bills, Senator Angela Mosely has filed SB 131 which would cover the co-pay for children who currently qualify for reduced-price meals, effectively providing nearly 60,000 more children in the state a free lunch.
Food is as vital to education as good teachers, books, and transportation. These bills are of the utmost importance. We hope you will work with us to help move this legislation forward! Use our form to quickly and easily contact your lawmakers and tell them to rise to the occasion, that by supporting the children of Missouri, they are supporting the future of Missouri.
School Meals is also a priority topic for our upcoming Week of Action and Day of Action. On Monday, February 3rd, join us virtually to learn more about the topic and ways to take action, and on Tuesday, February 25th, join us at the Capitol to speak to lawmakers in person about school meals and other important anti-poverty issues. Both events will give you the opportunity to flex your advocacy muscles, and you can find out more information or register for both days on our event pages: