For over 120 years Empower Missouri has brought together a team of anti-poverty advocates to learn together, make connections, and advance our mission. Our 2024 Anti-Poverty Advocates Summit will be held in at Stoney Creek Hotel in Columbia, Missouri on November 12th and 13th.
Attendees will receive training, support and inspiration to advocate on affordable housing, criminal legal system reform, food security, and other anti-poverty issues. Together, we will use our voices to influence policy that will bring an end to poverty. Visit our Summit page for the latest information as more details are finalized!
Tickets are on sale now, you can purchase yours below! If you are a member of our Advocacy Partners Program or an Organizational Member, you will receive an email with a separate link to register with your discounted or free tickets. Organizational Members receive a 25% discount on tickets, so now is a great time to join if you will be attending the Summit!