What’s Next: What Are Our Priorities After the Nov. 3 General Election?
We know how crucial the November 3, 2020, General Election will be with the U.S. President, Missouri Governor, all 163 Missouri House seats, and half of the 34 Missouri Senate seats on the ballot. And then there’s the danger posed by Amendment 3, “Dirty Missouri”, which seeks to overturn the will of the people, expressed in passage of the CLEAN Amendment in 2018. Amendment 3 would impose the most radical form of partisan gerrymandering in the U.S. on our state. But we know this for certain: The work of racial justice advocacy must continue after November 3. The U.S. has a pre-existing condition, racial inequality, and this shapes outcomes in COVID-19 diagnoses/deaths, incarceration statistics, food and housing insecurity, and so much more. On Nov. 20, join us in the 2020 Racial Equity Summit, an online gathering of social justice advocates, to explore #What’sNext4Justice.
We are honored to have Rev. Dr. Starsky Wilson as keynote speaker for the summit. Rev. Dr. Starsky Wilson is a pastor, philanthropist and activist, current president & CEO of Deaconess Foundation and incoming president and CEO of the Children’s Defense Fund. Rev. Dr. Wilson is a national thought leader in racial justice, community organizing, and movement building.
Thanks to the generous support of Maxine Clark and Bob Fox and the Deaconess Foundation., registration for the Summit is free for all attendees.
Click here to see a full list of our sponsors for the Racial Equity Summit.
Register for the November 20th Racial Equity Summit Below: