[featured][featured_person name=”Justin Goddard” image=”/uploads/2018/08/j_godard.png” description=”Justin will bring us up to date on developments with the Fiscal Year 2019 Transportation and Urban Development (THUD) budget, the introduction of the Housing, Opportunity, Mobility, and Equity (HOME) Act and other recent hot topics related to housing and homelessness in our nation’s capital.” organization-logo=”/uploads/2018/08/NLIHC-logo.png” ][featured_person name=”Laura Barrett” image=”/uploads/2018/08/laurabarrett.jpeg” description=”Laura will talk about the November 2018 ballot measure that seeks to raise the minimum wage to $12 by 2023 and its impact on poverty rates in Missouri. Thanks to all Empower Missouri supporters who helped to collect signatures to put this on the ballot.” organization-logo=”/uploads/2018/08/Raise-Up-logo.jpg” ][featured_person name=”Jeanette Mott Oxford” image=”/uploads/2018/08/oxfordjeanette.png” organization-logo=”/uploads/2018/08/logo_button.png” description=”JMO will speak on lessons from the August 7 Primary Election and the latest updates on the Farm Bill Conference Committee process. “][/featured]
We have switched to Una vez al mes through the end of the year unless we have an urgent development. Mark your calendars: 27 de septiembre, 25 de octubre, 29 de noviembre, y 27 de diciembre.
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