Amber Foster-Hobart

The 2024 legislative session is nearing the finish line, and with that will come a chance to celebrate what we have accomplished this year. At Empower Missouri, we know that eradicating poverty can only be successful as a group effort – a team of anti-poverty advocates and a community of supporters all using our voices...
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It was a busy but inspiring week for Empower Missouri: our 2024 Week of Action! Throughout the week we offered three virtual training sessions (recordings coming soon!), and on Wednesday we gathered at the Capitol to meet with legislators, learn from our team and other advocates, and make our voices heard to end poverty in...
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At Empower, we believe the key to ending poverty lies in changing the policies that drive it. We can make changes that ensure a long-term, stable stock of affordable housing across the state, and expand safety net programs to support the nutrition needs of struggling families. We can fundamentally reimagine our criminal justice system, investing...
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As we near the end of 2023, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on the incredible impact we have achieved together at Empower Missouri. The unwavering commitment and support of our community of advocates has allowed us to make a real difference in the lives of countless individuals and communities across our great...
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Darlene S. has faced challenges in housing her entire life, but things have gotten progressively harder in recent years. After experiencing two evictions, the most recent being a decade ago, she has faced mounting barriers to housing. Combined with increased rents and requirements of 3 times rent in income, renting anything became impossible. Darlene has...
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We’re excited to welcome Mary Chant as our guest speaker for our October Friday Forum: Missouri’s Foster Care System. Mary is the CEO of Missouri Coalition for Children, a statewide association of child and family serving organizations dedicated to strengthening and supporting Missouri’s children, families and communities.  Mary started her career working with Missouri runaway...
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Early this month we launched our first Housing Justice Fellowship, in partnership with Springfield Tenants Unite. For our pilot cohort, we brought together 12 tenants with varied experiences renting in Springfield. Some have prior experience with tenant organizing, some do not, but all are committed to learning how to organize their community to win policy...
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We’re nearing the end of Hunger Action Month, and to wrap things up, we’re bringing you more resources and information to aid in our continued fight against hunger in Missouri!  Led by Feeding America, Hunger Action Month is an annual nationwide campaign to spread awareness and inspire action to end hunger in America. 12% of...
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We’re nearly through Hunger Action Month, and this week, we are highlighting one of our (many) incredible partners in the Food Security Coalition, KC Healthy Kids! Andrea Clark, Director of Food System Planning at KC Healthy Kids, has been a member of the Food Security Coalition for the past three years representing the Greater KC...
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Did you know that September is Hunger Action Month? Led by Feeding America, Hunger Action Month is an annual nationwide campaign to spread awareness and inspire action to end hunger in America. In Missouri 1 in 9 people, and 1 in 8 children, face hunger, and we hope you’ll take action with us! Four Ways...
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