Vote como si su vida dependiera de ello: preparándose para las elecciones del 4 de agosto

Nomachot Adiang is the Kansas City Organizer for Missouri Health Care for All, an organization that advocates for quality affordable healthcare for all Missourians. She mobilizes and empowers people in the Kansas City metro to take action and affect health care policy in Missouri. Nomachot has been involved in community organizing work for 7 years. Recently, her work has been focused on putting Medicaid Expansion on the ballot, and mobilizing voters to vote yes on Amendment 2. Nomachot is passionate about building collective power, in ways that cultivate strong authentic relationships.


Josh Protas is the Vice President of Public Policy and heads the Washington, D.C. office for MAZON. In this role, which he assumed in 2012, Josh coordinates and implements MAZON’s advocacy agenda, including efforts to protect and strengthen the federal nutrition safety net, with particular emphasis on the food security needs for seniors, veterans, and military families. Josh has extensive experience working at Jewish communal agencies at both the local and national level including as Director of the Jewish Community Relations Council at the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona and as Vice President and Washington Director for the Jewish Council for Public Affairs. He previously served as a member of the board of directors for the Coalition on Human Needs and currently participates as part of the Vote Advisory Council for Food Policy Action. Josh earned his M.A. in Western American History and Public History from Arizona State University and his B.A. in American Studies and French Literature from Wesleyan University.

Denise Lieberman es una abogada de derechos civiles y experta reconocida a nivel nacional en derechos de voto. Más recientemente, se desempeñó como Directora de Poder y Democracia en la Oficina Nacional del Proyecto Advancement en Washington DC, una organización de justicia racial, Denise también es Directora de la Facultad de la Iniciativa de Participación y Acceso de Votantes en la Universidad de Washington en St. Louis y jefa de la Coalición de Protección de Votantes de Missouri . Lieberman, reconocida abogada constitucional y de derechos civiles durante casi 25 años, ha estado a la vanguardia de los debates sobre el derecho al voto en su estado natal de Missouri y en todo el país.

Como directora del Programa Nacional de Poder y Democracia de Advancement Project, Denise supervisó las iniciativas de Protección al Votante y Derecho al Voto de la organización en todo el país. Ha litigado impugnaciones a las leyes de identificación con foto en Missouri, Pensilvania, Wisconsin y Carolina del Norte, donde fue asesora de la NAACP en una impugnación de la "monstruosa" ley de supresión de votantes del estado que el tribunal determinó que apuntaba a afroamericanos "con precisión casi quirúrgica. "

Register for the July 16th Webinar Below:

16 de julio de 2020
1:00 p. M. - 2:30 p. M.